How to connect to ALLAN_HANCOCK_COLLEGE on-campus wi-fi on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone devices
Any Allan Hancock College student and employee can connect to the ALLAN_HANCOCK_COLLEGE Wi-Fi network. Below are instructions for specific devices and where to find wi-fi.
Windows Laptop
- In the bottom right corner of your screen locate and click on the Wi-Fi icon.

- Find the ALLAN_HANCOCK_COLLEGE network, check the "Connect Automatically" box, and click "Connect."
- When prompted, type in the same username and password that you use to log into myHancock.
- If a "Continue Connecting" prompt appears, click on "Connect."
- You are connected when the icon looks like this:

- Find the list of available networks and select ALLAN_HANCOCK_COLLEGE
- For "Username" type in your myHancock user. For "Password" type in your myHancock password.
- Select "Trust" when presented with the certificate screen.

- Find the list of available networks and select ALLAN_HANCOCK_COLLEGE
- For "Identity" type in your myHancock user. For "Password" type in your myHancock password.
- For the rest of the setttings, please see the screenshot below. Your phone may have slightly different options.

Note for Google Pixel and other Newer Android Phones
If you use a Google Pixel or other newer Android phones, you should follow the steps above with one modification. Instead of selecting "Do not Validate", please select "Request Certificate Status" and under "Domain Name" type "" . If you have the option to "Trust On First Use" that will work as well.
Where Can I Find On-Campus Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi is available in every building on the Santa Maria, Lompoc, and Santa Ynez campuses. In addition, we have outdoor Wi-Fi available in a few locations on the Santa Maria campus. You can connect on the patio between the library and the student center, in the parking lot outside of the gym (building N), and in the parking lot near the humanities building (building C). See the icons below for locations: