Hancock College now blocks macros and scripts from running on district devices by default. If a need for macros or scripting is required, please make a request to the Help Desk with information about the source of the document, its relevance to your work and the name of the device that needs to run the script enabled document. ITS will review the request and exempt devices from the policy that blocks the scripts or macros.
Once the machine has been exempt from the policy, sometimes the Office program will still warn that the file is not trusted.

The steps to unblock a file are as follows:
- Close the workbook
- Navigate to the location where the workbook is saved
- Right-click on the file and select Properties from the menu

- Check the Unblock box, then click OK

Now the workbook is unblocked, and the macros can run. It is essential to only unblock files from sources that you trust.