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    Most web browsers have a feature to allow users to have profiles which can help keep accounts separate. This is helpful when needing to log in with multiple Hancock College accounts.
    Multi-Factor Authentication through the use of One Time Passcodes are required for many users at Hancock College and may be optionally enabled for all other users.
    Welcome back to the Fall 2024 semester at Allan Hancock College! The ITS Help Desk is here to support you in person at the Library on the Santa Maria campus. Remember to use our online resources for any tech issues, and check out essential articles on email setup, password resets, and more. Stay patient and collaborative as we all work together to support our students and staff during this busy time.
    Tips for creating strong passwords that meet Hancock College's new password policy.
    Employees who take courses at Hancock College will use a separate log in to manage their student activity.
    How to set the password on a new Hancock College account
    Information on common problems signing in to Hancock College's SSO.