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    Welcome back to the Fall 2024 semester at Allan Hancock College! The ITS Help Desk is here to support you in person at the Library on the Santa Maria campus. Remember to use our online resources for any tech issues, and check out essential articles on email setup, password resets, and more. Stay patient and collaborative as we all work together to support our students and staff during this busy time.
    The Allan Hancock College ITS Help Desk Newsletter for February 2024 announces significant website updates, including new features for equipment quotes and surplus pickup. It details progress and discussions from technology-related committees, highlighting efforts to enhance portal functionality, device usage analysis, and the introduction of new widgets. The newsletter also informs about the availability of diverse operating system devices for student use and presents a summary of ticketing rep
    Feedback Received: 9 emails and 2 survey responses favored the new layout. Highlights included the "something broke ticket" and "podium/classroom technology walkthrough form".
    Ticketing Suggestions: Requests were made for clearer ticketing options. Challenges were noted with intermediary ticket reporting and the use of 'other' as a ticket category.
    Environmental Push: Allan Hancock College seeks to reduce its paper consumption for both financial and environmental reas
    Ways to Request Support from Information Technology Services
    But What If My Device Isn't Working?
    Current Goals, Assignments, and Projects