News from the ITS Help Desk - ITS Newsletter 1


News from the ITS Help Desk

Date: 10/13/2023

Welcome to Our First Edition!

In this inaugural edition of "News from the ITS Help Desk," we're excited to bring you updates, tips, and insights directly from the heart of IT at Allan Hancock College. As we navigate the evolving landscape of technology, our mission remains steadfast: to support and empower our community. We appreciate your feedback and engagement as we embark on this journey together.

Ways to Request Support from Information Technology Services

At ITS, we understand that technology challenges can arise anytime. That's why we've provided a variety of ways for you to reach out for support:

  1. Via Email: Simply send your query or report an issue to This will automatically generate a ticket, with the email's subject and body being used for the ticket's title and content, respectively.
  2. Online Portal: Visit and sign in using your AHC credentials. Here, you can view common ticket issues and solution articles.
    • Something Broke? If you encounter a sudden issue with any IT service, the 'Something Broke, report ANY IT problem' ticket is your best friend.
    • Stay Updated: A new guide for the Mitel Phone is now available for all users.
  3. General Queries: For any general questions or concerns, shoot an email to
  4. Call Us: Dial 18059226966 ext. 3345 for immediate assistance. If you're using any in-house phones, just dial 3345.

But What If My Device Isn't Working?

It's a catch-22, isn't it? You need to report an IT issue, but the very device you'd use is the problem itself. Don't fret! Here's what you can do:

  • Mobile Friendly: The portal is mobile-optimized. You can easily log in using your AHC credentials and submit a ticket via your smartphone or tablet.
  • On-Campus Computers: Any computers available on campus will grant you access to the IT support portal.
  • Direct Assistance: The ITS Help Desk is more than willing to help you create tickets and dispatch support during our working hours. We're open from Monday to Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM with limited support beyond and before these hours. On Fridays, we're here from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
  • Have an Open Ticket? If you're calling about an existing issue, our phone system will request a ticket number. This helps us serve you faster and better!

Remember, our primary goal at ITS is to ensure seamless tech experiences for everyone at Allan Hancock College. We're here to help, always.

Current Goals, Assignments, and Projects

1. Transition to Mobile Device Management (MDM) for All AHC Computers

The IT landscape is evolving, and Allan Hancock College is keeping pace. We're transitioning to Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions for all our computers. But what does this mean for you?

MDM solutions, such as Intune for Windows and JAMF for MacOS, offer a streamlined experience for end users. Here are three tangible benefits:

  • Automatic Updates & Syncing: Say goodbye to manual software updates. MDM solutions ensure your computer is always equipped with the latest software and security patches, making your device run smoother.
  • Personalized Settings Across Devices: Whether you're accessing a computer in the office, library, or a lab, MDM ensures your preferences and settings are consistent. It feels like using your personal device, everywhere.
  • Enhanced Security: Lost your device? MDM solutions can remotely lock and wipe your device, ensuring your data remains confidential.

2. Moving Away from Remote Desktop and towards Single Device Solutions

We recognize that the needs of our faculty and staff are unique, and technology should be an enabler, not an inhibitor. AHC's vision is to equip each employee with one deviceā€”a complete solution catering to remote work, cloud storage, and docking capabilities for multi-monitor setups.

But why the shift?

  • Risks with Multiple Devices and RDP Connections: Managing multiple devices per employee expands the risk surface. Each additional device represents a potential entry point for security threats. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections, while useful, have been frequently targeted by cyber attackers.
  • The Power of VPN and Cloud Storage: Virtual Private Network (VPN) access to campus resources, such as Banner, is more secure and versatile. It allows you to connect to the college's resources securely from anywhere. Moreover, cloud storage is accessible, backed-up, and reduces dependency on local network storage. Unlike RDP access, which ties you to a particular system, cloud resources can be accessed from any device, anytime.

We understand transitions like these can be daunting, but our approach is slow, methodical, and centered on user ease. As we move forward with these changes, we promise transparency and regular updates to ensure everyone's onboard and informed.


Allan Hancock College Students and Staff, please help us out by providing feedback on the new site. Copy and paste this link into your browser for a survey:

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Article ID: 154960
Fri 10/13/23 8:07 AM
Fri 10/13/23 8:07 AM