Accounts Being Regularly Locked Due To Too Many Incorrect Password Attempts

This article addresses a common challenge faced by many in our community: accounts being regularly locked due to too many incorrect password attempts. In our efforts to maintain robust security and ease of access, we offer practical solutions to help you avoid these lockouts and manage your account effectively. Waiting 5 minutes will automatically release the lock.

Use View Password (or any similar option)

When logging into the MyHancock portal, it's easy to mistype a password, especially when you can't see what you're typing. To mitigate this, we highly recommend using the 'View Password' option. This feature allows you to confirm your password entry before submission, significantly reducing the risk of accidental lockouts due to incorrect attempts. By incorporating this simple step into your login routine, you can ensure smoother access to your account.

Update Wi-Fi Login Information After Changing Passwords

A common yet overlooked cause of account lockouts is outdated WiFi login information. After you change your password, it's crucial to update the credentials on all devices that automatically connect to the college's WiFi network. Failing to do so may result in these devices attempting to connect with the old password, inadvertently leading to multiple failed login attempts and account lockouts. Regularly updating your WiFi login details on mobile phones, laptops, and other devices can prevent these unintentional lockouts and ensure continuous, hassle-free access to the network.

Important Note for AHC Managed Devices

For those using Allan Hancock College (AHC) managed devices, such as laptops, it's important to note that these devices do not automatically receive updated password information when they are off the AHC network. If you find that your AHC managed device is using an 'old' password that differs from the one you've recently updated, the solution is straightforward. Please connect the device to the AHC network via an Ethernet connection. This will allow the device to sync and receive your updated password information, ensuring that you can access all necessary services and resources without interruption. Keeping your device connected to the AHC network is crucial for maintaining seamless access and alignment with your current credentials.

Policy On Password Resets

Please be aware that the Information Technology Services (ITS) team cannot reset passwords or provide them to faculty, staff, or students. If you need to reset your password, it can be done securely through this link: Password Reset. This ensures the highest level of security and compliance with our institutional policies.

Updating Personal Information

It's important to keep your personal information, such as email addresses and phone numbers, up-to-date for password recovery and other communications. Please note that the Information Technology Services (ITS) team does not have the authority to update personal information or records. To update your password reset email addresses or phone numbers, refer to our detailed guide available here: Updating Personal Information. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to ensure that your contact details are current in our system. If you find you need to update your password but do not have access to the contact information on file to receive your One-Time Passcode, please follow these guidelines to update your information. This will ensure a secure password reset practice for AHC.

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Mon 11/20/23 12:25 PM
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